Studies such as an advanced certificate is offered, considering the viticulture history, vine growing and wine processes. You can learn about the main characteristics of our varieties, with emphasis on the viniculture of the Region of Tarapacá, under the conditions of the driest desert in the world. Besides, we offer food and wine tasting classes and a specific wine and food tasting course to learn about our wines and its food pairing.

Showing all 2 results

  • Vino-del-desierto-diplomado-enoturismoVino-del-desierto-diplomado-enoturismo

    Advanced Certificate

    A new alternative for the Tarapacá region

    This Advanced Certificate is part of a collaborative work between the University, tour operators and entrepreneurs of the Tarapacá region, which will give you a different sight of working in the territory. In addition, it will allow to transfer knowledge and building  skills for the region, especially for the Province of Tamarugal.

    Date: June 2021

    Number of hours: 261



  • Vino-del-desierto-curso-cata-y-maridaje

    Wine and Food Tasting Class

    Este curso, aporta a la capacitación del capital humano local, con la finalidad de mejorar la calidad de la oferta gastronómica. En ese sentido, posibilita un ajuste con una propuesta adecuada de maridaje con diferentes vinos de cepas nacionales y la incorporación de los Vinos del Desierto.

    Fecha: Febrero, Julio y Octubre.

    Duración: 16 horas.

    Horarios: Por definir

    Lugar de realización: Por definir
